Thursday, December 20, 2012



I did too, have Jesus in mind when I began to write this book.  Not so much the Jesus in the historical or religious sense, but in the sense that there is a Mythical Jesus that many of us pay little attention to.  This Mythical Jesus is the one that is always involved in struggle or Passions to subdue the dictates of a lower nature, so to speak; akin to the classic Hero of all cultures:   Heru, Hercules, etc.,  in part, this is the Idea that I write of in this book.

It should also be mentioned that this work has as its target audience folk who are already privy to, or have Knowledge of the Nation of Gods and Earth and our basic Curriculum:  Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabets, 120 Lessons (Student Enrollment; English Lesson NO. C-1; Lost Found Muslim Lesson NO. 1; Lost Found Muslim Lesson NO. 2; Actual Facts; Solar Facts) and generally folk having a Knowledge of our Nation’s History.   Still, I will endeavor to communicate with those not aware of our Core Curriculum; and towards accomplishing this goal I will utilize footnotes, etc. whenever necessary to provide the right Knowledge and Wisdom so that all can arrive at an Understanding sufficient for themselves, and this is not to say that a person will have no responsibility with regards to their Understanding.  Whenever there is something within this work that is not clear to the ‘new guy’, it is my suggestion that they contact a person in their local community who can assist them with further research regarding the Science contained in this work.

But really, this book is partially a response to a question that was posed to me by my wife --- Queen Samicia, on the one hand, and a fellow laborer on the other: How Do We Translate The Science of Living Supreme Mathematics in a fashion that will show and prove one’s Supreme Beingness and intricate connection to the Supreme Intangible Intelligence that permeates the Universe?  Is there evidence of The Science in world scriptures and Religions?  Perhaps we will learn of it all with this book: that this book will serve as a foundation or pivotal point, or a tool that we can utilize to arrive at a Knowledge of Self, from whence we can Build on the subject: that it is a road map pointing towards The Way: but the Path we all must embark on in solitude.  My duty has been to make this book readable, and not mix too much High Science with the Billion Dollar Words that leaves much to be desired when considering the Best Part: the Understanding.
I will show and prove with the Idea expressed in this work that the Science of Supreme Mathematics is the science that we need, that is very valuable to us as we unfold what is already here; that we educate or educere --- bring out what is already within us ---- by learning to trust our Greatest Resource: our capacity to Think.  And that we do think is a privilege that we must recognize while never abusing. 

There will be very little dogma in the following pages; not so many Thou Shalts or Thus Y’all’s Must Do’s. 

This work is to produce Prognosticators within the Nation of Gods and Earths: those who predict future events by working diligently in the Now with their Nature to End the attraction from the vortex that many have fallen for today.  The Universal Science of Living Supreme Mathematics is the methodology to manifest Supreme Being and pre-write (prescribe) one’s History or Qur’an while contending with everyday life.  Existential, if you will.

I am an Original Man (Mind) and much of what I write will raise a brow or two; but that’s all right, don’t let that stop you from reading this work.  My primary focus is to show and prove how the Science of Everything in Life starts with you: the Universe.  Supreme Mathematics is the basis of all that Is.  The Christian will find a place here; the Muslim will re-cognize him/her Self; All temples will see Self here, for the street cats and college professors to benefit, this is my humble purpose.

The science will be to map a route by which we may ascend to Supreme Being.  This is to Realize the Best Part of what we are: Divine.

Let us proceed.

from Apotheosis: Supreme Intangible Intelligence, Supreme Being, and the Science of Living Supreme Mathematics    available January/February 2013

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